As I write this, I’m realising that the Poi-man has not made his daily rounds. I need to fix breakfast for the gang. That’s it for now, but we hope to host you soon at Caju Grove!

Artwork by: Richa Kashelkar
Dear traveller,
Hope you've been well and rested. Before you ask, The Kokum Tree is doing good; as rewarding as ever. Summer was bountiful this year, and monsoons brought with them the discovery of a hidden waterfall. Just when we thought we had explored our pride lands, we found this little gem!​ Now on to other matters. Sneha and I have been in Goa since September (2022) where we began working on an old Portuguese villa. There was an immediate sense of purpose. Never had we imagined an expansion-itch at this point. Mostly because, The Kokum Tree is only four years young, and we too are still learning. Leaving our city life and jobs behind was a drastic choice, and so was this move. But then, Goa was always a dream!
​ Caju Grove is this big yellow Goan house. It is our current chapter. The Goa chapter. Life and times in slow motion – that’s how we see it. Caju Grove is a place of many moods, of canopied skies and sunny swims. For the soul who rejoices, it is a warm home. For some wildflowers, it is an exchange. It is us.